Kate Abolins
Holistic Acupressure Massage
Holistic Acupressure works with the meridians in a similar way to acupuncture, but we use our hands, arms, knees and feet. It can be deeply relaxing and calming, or energising and enlivening. As a holistic practice it is underpinned by the idea that the body is always trying to heal itself. We are facilitating this process, giving some time, space and attention. We work on a futon and you are asked to wear comfortable clothes. You can book here or give me a call/email.
Low-cost Zen Shiatsu
Shiatsu originated in Japan and is an evolving form of bodywork, drawing from both Eastern and Western approaches to the body and medicine. Through the practice of Shiatsu we work on all aspects of being; body, emotion, mind - through physical touch. Treatment can offer profound relaxation and rebalancing, connecting us with spaciousness and ground. We work on a futon and you are asked to wear comfortable clothes. As a third year student, I'm offering at a lower cost until August 2024, you can book here or call/email me.
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